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FREE eLearning Course: Understanding Type 2 Diabetes

The MyWay Digital Health team, in collaboration with The University of Edinburgh and University of Dundee, are running a 2-day free-to-access eLearning course, Understanding Type 2 Diabetes, on the 28th and 29th of April, 2020! Register here.

Watch our introductory course video by clicking this link.

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Structured education is of vital importance for people with type 2 diabetes. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, providing face-to-face structured education is difficult if not impossible. Therefore, online solutions can help provide this care remotely.

What’s the plan?

The course will span 2 days, complete with new video content and interactive quizzes.

Day 1 will focus on what type 2 diabetes is, the complications of diabetes, and sick day guidance in type 2 diabetes.

Day 2 will move on to the management of diabetes, covering weight loss advice, dietary and physical activity advice, discussions on diabetes remission and other treatment options.

These topics will be accompanied by live twitter debates #understandingtype2 monitored by healthcare professionals from the UK including diabetes doctors, diabetes dieticians and diabetes specialist nurses.

Who is the course for?

Written in English and available for anyone from across the globe, the course is aimed at people with type 2 diabetes, those who care for them and healthcare professionals who look after people with type 2 diabetes.

What can I do?

You can take part! Register here and we will keep you posted:

Spread the word! Share this with those in your network you think may be interested. Connect with us onFacebook and Twitter @MyWayDigital using #understandingtype2.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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