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Should people/babies still go and be immunised at

their GP surgery?

Yes, your GP surgery or health clinic will take all possible

precautions to protect you and your baby from COVID-19.

People should still attend for routine vaccinations unless

they are unwell (check with your GP whether you should

still attend) or self-isolating because they have been in

contact with someone with COVID-19. In these circumstances, please rearrange your appointment.


Vaccines are the most effective way to prevent other infectious diseases. Babies, toddlers and pre-school children in particular need vaccinations to protect them from measles, mumps, rubella (MMR), rotavirus, diphtheria, whooping cough, meningitis, polio, tetanus, hepatitis B, and more.

What are ‘routine’ childhood immunisations?

Different vaccines are given at different ages to protect you and your child. They form part of the national immunisation programme and are offered free of charge by the NHS. The national immunisation programme is highly successful in reducing the incidence of serious and sometimes life-threatening diseases such as pneumococcal and meningococcal infections, whooping cough, diphtheria and measles. It remains important to maintain the best possible vaccine uptake to prevent a resurgence of these infections.
Some children will also need to be protected with neonatal BCG and hepatitis B vaccination. Both BCG and all doses of targeted hepatitis B vaccines should be offered in a timely manner.


TB, BCG and your baby

BCG vaccine is given to those babies who are likely to come into contact with someone with  tuberculosis (TB). This includes babies who live in an area with high rates of TB or babies with parents or grandparents from a country with high rates of TB. Please see the video below for more information or this information leaflet.

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