It is currently difficult to provide the routine care that many patients need. Supported self-management approaches such as health coaching, peer support and self-management education help people to build their knowledge, skills and confidence to manage their own health and care.
Evidence shows that when people are supported to increase their knowledge, skills and confidence they benefit from better health outcomes, improved experiences of care and fewer unplanned care admissions which is more important than ever at this time.
The main charities for specific conditions have published guidance and information for self-managing during this pandemic including access to helplines and online peer support. There are self-management education programmes available on the NHS apps library some conditions and more generally for maintaining a healthy lifestyle as well as lots of information available on nhs.uk.
If you record you blood pressure at home, make sure to let us know your results, even if they seem well controlled to you. The practice's healthcare assistants are happy to discuss you results and ways to keep it under control.
COPD/ Emphysema/ Bronchitis
British Lung Foundation
We’ve Been Researching Lung Conditions for 30 Years and Our Aim is to Always Improve Care. We Are the Only UK Charity Looking After the Nation’s Lungs. See the Impact of Our Work. Campaigning for Change. 230+ Breathe Easy Groups.
Guide to COPD – for more information for patients about living with their conditionInformation about what COPD is, the symptoms you might get, and how it’s diagnosed and treated. Tips about controlling breathing and how to manage flare-ups, also called exacerbations.
Peer Support options for people with COPD over the phone with British Lung Foundation UK helpline
COPD local support groups – which offer people living with COPD a chance to meet and share experiences with others. F2F groups but may be hosting online
NHS apps library
There are a number of apps available for free on the NHS apps library to support people to self-manage their condition. mhealth: myCOPD free in certain areas
British Lung Foundation – Coronavirus advice for people living with asthma
Guide to asthma – for more information for patients about living with their condition. Asthma is a common, long-term or chronic, disease. It affects about 5 million people in the UK.
This information is for adults living with asthma, their family, friends and carers. It describes the common causes of asthma, symptoms, treatment options and tips for managing your asthma. We also have information on asthma in children.
Peer Support options for people with asthma over the phone.British Lung Foundation UK helpline.
Asthma local support groups – which offer people living with asthma a chance to meet and share experiences with others. F2F groups but may be hosting online.
Asthma UK
Asthma UK – coronavirus advice for people with asthma. Asthma UK works to stop asthma attacks and, ultimately, cure asthma by funding world leading research, and supporting people with asthma to reduce their risk.
A telephone helpline. Speak to an asthma expert nurse on our helpline
0300 222 5800
Self-management information for people living with asthma, including action plan templateResources have been created using the most trusted evidence and evaluated by healthcare professionals and people with asthma.
NHS apps library
There are a number of apps available for free on the NHS apps library to support people to self-manage their condition.
Chronic Kidney Disease
Kidney Care UK – Coronavirus advice for people living with asthma
Kidney Care UK are the UK’s leading patIent support charity, providing practical, financial and emotional support for kidney patients and their families
Guide to kidney disease – for more information for patients about living with their condition. Whether you’re newly diagnosed or a long term kidney patient we have lots of information on the many aspects of kidney health – including dialysis, kidney function, and transplants
Peer Support options for people with kidney disease. We can offer you support through our patient grants, holiday grants, counselling service, advocacy service, as well as our funding to improve care services
Close Facebook group – which offer people living with kidney disease a chance to meet and share experiences with others.Our closed Facebook group puts you in touch with others affected by kidney disease, giving you a chance to share experiences and tips on living with kidney related conditions
Sickle Cell
Sickle Cell Society
Advice from the Sickle Cell Society on Coronavirus and Sickle Cell Disorder. The UK’s only national charity to support people living with sickle cell
Peer Support options for people with sickle cell over the phone. The SCS Helpline Service provides confidential information, guidance, and emotional support to individuals and families affected by sickle cell living within the UK.
Information on support groups, local services and NHS Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Centres across the UKNHS Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Centres, Haemoglobinopathies Coordinating Centres (HCCs) and Support Groups.
Support groups play a vital part in delivering care for people living with sickle cell and their families
Advice from the Terrance Higgins Trust on Coronavirus and HIV. The UK’s only national charity to support people living with HIV.
Peer Support options for people with HIV over the phone. THT for support, advice and information.
Information about online peer support provided by Terrence Higgins Trust. Information about service in local areas.
Cancer Research UK
Advice from Cancer Research UK on Coronavirus and CancerThe world’s largest charity dedicated to saving lives through research.
Our vision is to bring forward the day when all cancers are cured
Peer Support options for people cancer. A nurse helpline is available free of charge.
A chat group for people experiencing cancer. Chat to others in your cancer community.
Diabetes UK
Coronavirus advice for people living with Diabetes
Updates on coronavirus and diabetes.
Twitter @_diabetes101Twitter account set up by health care professionals to support people with diabetes during Covid19. Offers advice and support and online social activities for people with diabetes to join in while staying at home. Twitter bio reads:
“In light of #COVID19 and pressure of NHS teams we have gathered a bunch of HCPs together to signpost PWD to accredited information & boost morale!”
Via twitter, follow @_diabetes101
Guide to Diabetes
Information you need on how you can fit diabetes around your lifestyle, from what to eat to how you can treat and manage your condition effectively.
Peer Support options for people with diabetesSocial media online communities, online support forum, real life stories, bloggers, top tips, videos by and for children with Type 1 Diabetes. Diabetes UK helpline.
NHS apps library
There are a number of apps available for free on the NHS apps library to support people to self-manage their condition.
MyDESMOND – for people with Type 2 diabetes, both newly diagnosed and established. MyDESMOND has been designed to support diabetes self-management through digital means with modern lifestyles at the heart. Primarily developed with mobile-use in mind. Meets NICE requirements.Contact your local DESMOND coordinator
Bertie Type 1 diabetes education programmeOnline self -management education for people with type 1 diabetes.
Mental health
Mental Health Foundation
Looking after your mental health during the coronavirus outbreak. The Mental Health Foundation is part of the national mental health response providing support to address the mental health and psychosocial aspects of the Coronavirus outbreak, alongside colleagues at Public Health England and the Department of Health and Social Care.
Your mental health.
A range of content designed to give you more information about mental health and to help you to look after your mental health. We have podcasts, videos, inspiring stories and information about getting help if you’re struggling.
Coronavirus and your wellbeing. You might be worried about coronavirus (COVID-19) and how it could affect your life. This may include being asked to stay at home or avoid other people. This might feel difficult or stressful. Mind offers advice on things you can try that could help your wellbeing.
Information and support
When you’re living with a mental health problem, or supporting someone who is, having access to the right information – about a condition, treatment options, or practical issues – is vital. This page contains Tips for everyday living, Guides to support and services, helplines, Elefriends – an online community and more,
NHS apps library
There are a number of apps available for free on the NHS apps library to support people to self-manage their condition.
Chronic liver disease
British Liver Trust
Coronavirus information. For people with a liver condition, or you’ve had a liver transplant, this answers a number of the most common questions related to the coronavirus outbreak that you may have below:
Help and online community. If you are a patient or care for someone with a liver condition, you can contact our Helpline and/or join the British Liver Trust online forum.
The British Liver Trust Helpline is staffed by fully qualified liver nurses and provides support to anyone affected by a liver condition.
Children’s Liver Disease Foundation
Coronavirus updates. Information and guidance for parents of children and young people with liver conditions during the coronavirus outbreak
Help and support. Information and support for parents and young people with liver conditionshttps://childliverdisease.org/parents/
Chronic neurological disease
Parkinson’s UK
Understanding coronavirus and Parkinson’s. Our priority remains supporting people living with Parkinson’s. That’s why we’ve gathered the facts and guidance to help answer some of your most common questions about coronavirus and Parkinson’s.
Support Groups. Get information about Parkinson’s and support including a helpline and online community.
Motor Neurone Disease Association
Coronavirus and MND. We are aware that the situation surrounding the spread of coronavirus may be causing people affected by motor neurone disease (MND) concern. As always we are here to offer advice, support and to signpost to the most appropriate organisation. In this case our advice is directly mirroring that being shared and updated regularly by the NHS and the Government.
Support and information. Find out about the help and support available. You can also find details on our contact us page. https://www.mndassociation.org/support-and-information/
Alzheimer’s Society
Coronavirus: Information for people affected by dementiaFind out more about the coronavirus and how to protect yourself and others.https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/coronavirus-covid-19
Get support. If you or someone you know are worried about or affected by dementia, we are here for you. Get advice on a range of topics and find support near you.https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/get-support
MS Society
COVID-19 coronavirus and MS treatments. This page gives the latest guidance on coronavirus COVID-19 for people affected by multiple sclerosis.
MS and coronavirus care and support. We’ve been talking to lots of people in our community about multiple sclerosis and COVID-19. These are some of the questions that crop up the most.
Epilepsy Society
Epilepsy and the Coronavirus (COVID-19) FAQs. Dr Simona Balestrini is the Muir Maxwell Research Fellow at the Epilepsy Society. Here, she has put together an FAQ factsheet for those with epilepsy about the coronavirus (COVID-19).
Helpline and other supportTaking care of your overall wellbeing is a vital part of living with epilepsy. For some people, having information or support can help.