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What is the practice catchment area?Please click here to access the interactive map
How do I request a repeat prescription?Repeat prescriptions are normally for patients with long-term conditions who receive regular treatment. Your doctor will decide who can have a repeat prescription. If ordered before 12:00 noon your prescription will normally be ready within two working days. Please remember that we work a half-day on Thursdays and that therefore prescriptions will take a little longer to prepare if ordered on a Wednesday or Thursday. From time to time we will ask you to see your doctor to review your medication. We do this to monitor your illness and medication. You can order your repeat medication in any of the following ways: by ticking the items on the right-hand side of your paper prescription and dropping it off at the surgery or at your pharmacy. by asking your pharmacy to do this for you. by post (enclosing a stamped and addressed envelope). by ordering online (you must be registered to use this service, see this page for information about how to register for online services) Wherever possible please give the exact drug names when ordering and please allow at at least two full working days before collection at your pharmacy or at the surgery. We cannot take telephone requests for repeat prescriptions because of the possibility of error.
Your named GPIt is an NHS requirement that all patients have a named doctor who is administratively responsible for their overall care at the practice. This is one of the four partners - Dr Amato, Dr Moorthy, Dr Hill and Dr Hearn Please contact our reception staff if you would like to know who your usual doctor is. The fact that you have a named doctor does not prevent you from requesting to see any doctor at the practice; nor does it entitle you to see your named doctor. We will always try to accommodate your request where there are appointments available for the doctor you request. If you would like to change your named doctor, please let us know and we will try to assist.
Your personal data and privacy policyWe will always treat your data with the utmost confidentiality and will not disclose it to any person or organisation other than in accordance with the law. Please click here to access our privacy notice and policies (PDF). If you would like to make a subject access request please click here to download the request form (Word Document). From 11 October 2018 we are no longer permitted to record any objections you may have to the use of your personal information by the HSCIC (Health& Social Care Information Centre) for purposes beyond your individual care (a "type 2 objection"); i.e. the use of your information once it has already been passed to the HSCIC. Should you wish to opt out of this data use, please go to If you wish to prevent your information being passed to the HSCIC, please contact us.
Where can I find my NHS number?You should be able to find your NHS Number on any letter or document you have received from the NHS, including prescriptions, test results, and hospital referral or appointment letters. A service is available on the NHS.UK website to receive a reminder of your NHS number.
How do I make a complaint?Please visit this page to read our complaints procedure. Here is a form you can use, or you can write your own letter.
Travel health informationClick here to access our partner service for travel health information.
GP EarningsAll GP Practices are required to declare mean earnings (i.e. average pay) for GPs working to deliver NHS services to patients at each practice. The average pay for GPs working in the Morris House Group Practice in the last financial year (2022-2023) was £14,989 before tax and National Insurance. This is for 9 part time GPs who worked in the practice for more than six months. It should be noted that the prescribed method of calculating earnings is potentially misleading because it takes no account of how much time doctors spend working in the practice and should not be used for any judgement about GP earnings, nor to make any comparisons with other practices.
How can I improve the practice?We use the Patient Participation Group to conduct surveys aimed at improving our services. These surveys are conducted two or three times per year. The results of each survey will be discussed with this group and published on this website. Any actions we propose to take as a consequence of a survey wll also be discussed and published.
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